Work with us
If you would be interested in joining us to help maintain the site, find out more about the works and its machinery, talk to people who remember it in operation, look after visitors and more, please contact for further information.
We would appreciate any contributions you can make towards our on-going costs such as insurance for visitors.
The easiest way to do that is through a bank transfer to the Backbarrow Ironworks Heritage Trust's account with The Cumberland, sort code 16-52-21, account number 54244252. Please enter your surname in the reference field, or just enter "donation" if you prefer to remain anonymous.
Please get in touch if you would consider becoming a long term sponsor of our work at the ironworks.
We would be very interested to know if you have any memories, photos and objects relating to the ironworks which could help our research. Please contact
It is our long-term aim to create an interpretation area in one of the buildings which would explain the history of the place and how it worked, as well as producing literature and this website to promote awareness of the ironworks and its importance.
Backbarrow Ironworks Heritage Trust
The Trust was established was established in 2018 to work with the site owners, the developers, and Historic England with the aim of taking over responsibility for the ironworks in 2020. The six trustees are all local people with a long-standing interest in the history and future of the site.
If you have any comments about what has been achieved so far, and suggestions about what should be done next, please contact